Monday, September 3, 2018

How to import Blogger data into WordPress in a Easy Way

Wordpress is an online, open source, website creating tool written in PHP. In simpler words, it is the most widely used blogging platform. Although it started out as such, nowadays it is the most powerful website Content Management System or CMS in existence.
Another such platform is Blogger, although it not a CMS. It was developed by Pyra Labs in 1999 and marketed by Google in 2003. These blogs are hosted by Google and are accessed generally under the sub-domain of

 Blogger vs. WordPress

1.      Ownership
Blogger is a blogging service owned by Google, and as such Google holds the right to shut it down, or even restrict the access of a user to his/her account.
However, with WordPress, the user uses a WordPress hosting service to host his/her own site. Thus, in effect, the user is allowed to enjoy full ownership of the site, like deciding how long to use it and when to shut it down.

2.      Control
Blogger is an edited service, with a limited number of tools which restricts its users from performing very specific tasks only and there is no way to modify them.
However, WordPress, being an open source platform, users can easily extend and modify it to add new features. Also with the availability of various WordPress plugins, it is a versatile platform.

3.      Portability
Moving one’s site from Blogger is a very complicated task. The user possesses a significant risk in losing his/her SEO (search engine rankings, subscribers, and followers) during the move. Also, the data on Blogger even after its removal from the platform remains on the Google database for a very long time.
WordPress, on the other hand, allows its users a lenient portability with their sites. Users can move their sites to a new host, change the domain name, or even move their site to a different CMS.

4.      Security
Blogger is a Google service enjoys the added on a feature of Google’s sturdy security system. This user does not have to worry about security issues, like, managing the server’s resources, creating backups or securing their blogs.
WordPress, being a self-hosted platform does not enjoy the security advantages of Blogger. So the users are responsible for the security of their data. However, with the thousands of plugins available on WordPress, it is an easy task.

5.      Support
In terms of support, Blogger has very limited options. There is a basic documentation and user’s forum but that is it.
WordPress, on the other hand, enjoys a very active community support system. There are online documentation, community forums, and IRC chatroom, where an inexperienced WordPress user can get help from veterans, both users, and developers. There are also various companies that offer Wordpress support.

Moving from Blogger to WordPress

One of the main reasons why many bloggers are stuck with BlogSpot is that they simply don’t know how to move their data into WordPress. Users that started with Blogger can import their blogging information into their WordPress software using the ‘import’ option from the WordPress database. It allows users to import blog information from various blogging sites like Blogger, Tumblr, LiveJournal and even WordPress.

Now, for a user with a new Blogger blog with few posts and daily traffic below 25-30, it is recommended that he/she simply delete the Blogger blog and start fresh on WordPress platform. Many users who move their blog from Blogger to WordPress however, prefer to have the entire data on their Blogger account imported into their WordPress one.

The process of migrating your posts, comments, and users into WordPress is very easy.  This is because WordPress offers an inbuilt Blogger importing feature. By using these Blogger export and WordPress import feature the task of migrating the data becomes very easy.

How to export files from Blogger

Google’s Blogger software allows its users to export blogs into XML files. In order to do so the following steps are to be followed:

Step 1: Log into the required blog in Blogger.

Step 2: Click the Settings menu to the left.

Step 3: Scroll down and click on Other at the bottom of the list.

Step 4: The Import and backup window open. Click on Backup & Content.

Step 5: Select and name (according to need) the XML file and click on Save to your computer to complete the export.

Guide to Import Blogger into WordPress

      Step 1: Log into the WordPress Dashboard.

      Step 2: Navigate Tools > Import.

Step 3: On the list of sites, select Blogger.

Step 4: Under Blogger, click on Install now.

Step 5: A confirmation screen pops up showing that Blogger import has installed okay. Click on Run Importer.

Step 6: Next, a screen titled Import Blogger is seen. Click on Choose file to select the exported Blogger file. The process of exporting a Blogger file is shown later on.

Step 7: Next, click on Upload and import. This processes the XML file exported from Blogger (the process is shown later-on).

Step 8: After the import takes place, an author to the posts is required to be assigned. It can either be imported from the Blogger site, or an existing one from within the WordPress installation can be chosen. Click Submit to assign an author.

On successful assignment of an author a screen saying “All done” is seen. All Blogger posts will be imported into the WordPress platform. However, be sure to check the posts as an image in the content may not be imported.

Congratulations you have successfully imported your Blogger data into your WordPress platform. Hope this was on par with your requirements. Have a nice day.

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